How Is Hair Transplant Done?

2000 grafts hair transplant

Despite the effectiveness of an hair transplant surgery. A question in the minds of most if not all patients is, ” How is hair transplant done?”

This is because finding out how hair transplantation is done would help give them an idea of what to expect during such a procedure.

This is why I’ve put together this article.

In this article you would learn about hair transplantation in general , the three major hair transplantation procedures and how they are carried out.


Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure.

This procedure is a somewhat permanent solution to hair loss.

During this procedure, healthy grafts( I.e. tiny skin containing hair) are extracted from;

  • Donor areas: This is usually at the back of the scalp, which happens to have lots of healthy hair.

Then extracted grafts are implanted into the;

  •  Recipient Areas: This is the part of the scalp experiencing hair loss.
    Hair transplantation is carried out using three different procedures.

They are the;

1. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT).

2. Follicular unit extraction (FUE).

3. Direct hair implantation( DHI).


1. Using the Follicular Unit Transplantation:

• The patient’s scalp is made numb using local anaesthesia.

And to prevent frequent movements, the patient might be sedated.

• Then the hair at the donor area is trimmed. This is to allow easy access to the scalp.

The surgeon using a scalpel, extracts a part of your scalp skin from the donor area.

After a successful extraction, the donor area is sutured (I.e. closed up using stitches).

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• The surgeon using a microscope and a scalpel.
Splits up the extracted skin into a particular number of tiny pieces or grafts.

• Then very tiny holes are made on the shaved recipient area using a specialized tool.

• The tiny grafts are now, gently placed into the holes made.

After which surgical sites are wrapped with either gauze or a bandage.

NOTE: The effective hair growth products below are more cheaper and safer alternatives to a FUT;

Hair Regrowth Kit:

This kit contains a powerful hair growth spray containing, “ Rosemary and Grape seed essential oils, Ginger and ginseng extracts,” amongst other natural ingredients.

And a Derma micro needling device. This device helps trigger the production of collagen, which is vital to hair production.

This hair regrowth kit is available for purchase at the Skinol Cosmetics online store.

Rogaine’s 5% Minoxidil Foam.

2. Using the Follicular Unit Extraction:

• The scalp is made numb using local anaesthesia. After which you might be sedated to prevent frequent movements.

• The hairs at the donor area is trimmed.

Then using a specialized instrument, tiny grafts are, “ punched out,” or , “ Taken out,” one after the other.

This would continue until the required number of grafts is extracted.

• Then very tiny holes are made in the shaved recipient areas.

In these tiny holes, extracted grafts are placed.

After which surgical sites are wrapped with either a bandage or a gauze.

Unlike the FUT, the FUE would bring about little or no scars after surgery.

3. Using the Direct Hair Transplantation:

• The scalp is made numb using local anaesthesia. Then you might be sedated to prevent frequent movement.

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• Hairs in the donor area are not trimmed.

Then using a specialized tool called the, “ Choi implanter pen,” tiny grafts are extracted.

But immediately a single graft is extracted. It is implanted, directly into the recipient area, using the, “ Choi implanter pen.”

Thus, stitches or bandages are not required.

Unlike the FUT and the FUE. The DUI;

• Is more advanced.

• And has a higher success rate.

NOTE: Alternatively, rather than undergoing this procedure.

You can try out the safer and relatively cheaper solutions below;

Hair Regrowth kit:

This product contains a powerful hair growth spray and a Derma micro needling device.

This hair regrowth kit can be purchased from the Skinol Cosmetics online store.

• The use of, “ Essential oils.

You can learn more about this by reading this article.

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Obi Christian

Obi Christian

Christian Obi is a content writer with Skinol Cosmetics. In his free time, Christian enjoys writing, reading and cooking.
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