Which Oil Is Best For Hair Growth And Thickness

Which Oil Is Best For Hair Growth And Thickness

Nature has blessed us with lots of healthy fruits. These fruits contain tons of nutrients, which play essential roles in our body.

Different essential oils are extracted from a good number of these fruits. A few might have the capacity to foster hair growth and thickness.

But, which oil is best for hair growth and thickness?

Oils Suitable For Hair Growth And Thickness

1. ROSE MARY OIL: Rose Mary oil, is extracted from a herb called, “Rose Mary.” This herb, is an aromatic herb used for cooking, making drugs, amongst others.

Rose Mary oil may help foster hair growth and thickness. Reason for this belief is due to the result from a research conducted in 2015.

It was discovered that Rose Mary oil, is probably more effective than Minoxidil.

Minoxidil is an effective drug used for, “ Hypertension and pattern baldness.”

2. GRAPE SEED OIL: This oil is gotten from grape seeds.

The major nutrient in grape seed oil , is Omega- 6 fatty acid. Grape seed oil also contains antioxidants like, “ Vitamins C, D and E.”

Grape seed oil might also helps foster hair growth and thickness. Reason for this belief is based on result of a research conducted in Japan.

It was discovered that grape seed oil contains, “ Proanthocyanidins.”

This is an organic compound found in grape seeds, blue berries, etc.

Proanthocyanidins was seen to be responsible for the increase in hair growth witnessed during this research.

It is important to note that this study was conducted using mice and requires further investigation.

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3. CASTOR OIL: Castor oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the bean of a Castor tree.

Castor oil might be very effective in fostering hair growth and thickness. Reason for this belief is due to the findings of this study.

It was discovered that Castor oil contains about, “ 90% Ricinoleic acid.” This acid is believed to help deal with hair loss.

But, it is important to note that there are no research that proves that Castor oil promotes hair growth and thickness.

4. COCONUT OIL: This piece centered on, which oil is best for hair growth and thickness would be incomplete, without Coconut oil.

Coconut oil is extracted from Coconuts. This oil contains, “ Vitamins, minerals and plant sterols.”

Coconut oil might have an effect on hair growth and thickness. Reason for this belief is due to the findings of this research.

Results from this study show that when Coconut oil is applied to the scalp. Each hair strand feeds on its nutrients.

Thus, hair strands are strengthened and less likely to fall off.

When hair strands do not fall off, it obviously becomes thicker.

PLEASE NOTE: You may have an allergy towards any of the above mentioned oils. Before applying on the scalp, apply a little quantity on any part of your skin.

If there are no allergic reactions, then it is safe to apply.

Recommended Hair Growth Products Made From Natural Plant Ingredients

The products below are made with a combination of two or more of the oils mentioned above, amongst other ingredients.

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They are meant to help foster hair growth and prevent hair loss.

1. FirstSun Intensive Hair Growth Spray:

Best Oils For Hair Growth And Thickness

This spray is made from natural plant essence like castor oil, ginseng, ginger and 3 other plant oils which are proven to foster hair growth 4X faster than normal hair growth and it can be purchased on Skinol online store.

2. Intensive Scalp Tonic Spray: You can purchase this spray from this online store.

3. Alpha multi vitamin scalp growth oil: To get this spray, please click this link.


So far we’ve learnt about a number of essential oils. This was to help us discover, which oil is best for hair growth and thickness.

To the best of my knowledge, no oil is regarded as the best for hair growth and thickness. But, there is a probability that oils above can bring about hair growth and thickness.

Before you go, we advise you check out on derma roller for beard growth or hair transplant for women.

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Obi Christian

Christian Obi is a content writer with Skinol Cosmetics. In his free time, Christian enjoys writing, reading and cooking.
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