facial permanent hair remover
facial permanent hair remover

Facial hair removal is long and tedious, especially since some women have to do it very regularly,

but stress and pain becomes shorter through the uses of device, for facial permanent hair remover.


What if you opted for permanent facial hair removal?

In this article, you will learn different facial hair remover.

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Permanent facial hair removal has many benefits, for both men and women.

Indeed, classic hair removal is temporary and requires regular hair removal, at home or in an institute.

For those who have hair that grows back quickly, hair removal must therefore be very frequent.

In addition to representing a certain budget, it takes time.

In addition, the healthshot.com provided several information that facial hair removal is quite tedious.

Whether you do it at home with a razor or tweezers, or in a salon with techniques.

Such as hot or cold wax hair removal or thread hair removal.

Finally, temporary hair removal is often (especially on the face) a source of pimples and redness.

Which can be unsightly and embarrassing, especially if your hairiness requires you to wax very often.

Permanent facial hair removal thus makes it possible to depilate certain areas of the face.

So that you no longer have to worry about them.

The eyebrows and the area between the eyebrows; the chin, the upper lip and the mustache,

And for men, the legs and the neck, and the ears.

In the long term, permanent facial hair removal allows you to save time, but also save money.

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There are 3 methods of  facial permanent hair removal:

★Laser hair removal
★Pulsed light hair removal
★Electric hair removal


Laser hair removal is a permanent hair removal method that uses laser to permanently destroy the hair follicle.

The laser will emit an invisible light, which will pass through the skin and turn into a heat source on contact with the hair.

Thus destroying the hair at the root.

Laser hair removal can be used for both the cheeks and the hair above the lips.

However, it is important to note that the laser will only be effective for brown or black hair, containing enough melanin to be targeted by the laser.

In addition, laser hair removal can have undesirable effects.

Such as the formation of small crusts on the face or redness (which will, however, disappear in 2 to 5 days).

Finally, keep in mind the risk of paradoxical regrowth, especially in people who have a lot of hair, i.e., thicker regrowth on and around the treated area.

In general, it takes about twenty sessions to overcome it.

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Pulsed light hair removal or flash lamp is less expensive than laser hair removal, but it is also known to be less durable.

In some people, it will be necessary to renew the treatment after 3 or 4 years.

This hair removal technique consists of sending light in the form of flashes on the hairs, which will absorb the light and transform it into heat.

As with laser hair removal, the heat will thus destroy the hair follicle.

This method is not recommended for facial down hair removal: the risk of paradoxical regrowth is high.

On the other hand, it can be used to pluck the eyebrows, chin and upper lip.

To epilate the face with pulsed light.

It will be necessary to protect the eyes with special glasses, and the enamel of the teeth with a special compress.



Electric hair removal is increasingly popular for permanent facial hair removal because it is very suitable for small areas.

This is also the only solution for some women who cannot remove hair with laser or pulsed light.

Because they are tanned, their face has moles or their hair is not thick and dark enough.

It is also the least expensive method, click here

Electric hair removal consists of sending an electric shock through the hair, through a sterilized needle, to destroy the hair at the root, for proper facial permanent hair remover.

It can then be easily removed with tweezers.

Note that this method is more painful than laser hair removal.

As with the latter.

Some redness might appear, but it disappears in 5 days.

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Adepoju Abdullahi

I'm a creative content writer. I studied biology, I love exploring online, most especially researching on how to use natural treasures to heal human ailments.
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