Does Laser Hair Removal Work?


When it comes to treatment options for unwanted hair: Laser hair removal is very popular.

But despite the popularity, most people still wonder and ask certain questions like, “ does Laser hair removal work?”

If you are among such people, then this article is for you.

In this piece, you would find a clear answer and explanation to the question above.

As well as, other valuable Information.

Let’s get right into it.


The simple answer is YES.

I.e. it is a very effective procedure for removing unwanted hair.

Laser hair removal carried out at a clinic or at home is effective and works.

During this procedure( I.e. at a clinic);

• A laser emitting device is focused on the area containing unwanted hair.

• This laser is absorbed by the hair follicles.

• And this would in turn cause temporary damage to it.

• And the end result is unwanted hair cleared and regrowth is temporarily prevented.

But in a situation whereby the laser causes permanent damage to the hair follicles.

Hair regrowth would not occur.

Laser hair removal is carried out in sessions.

And it is believed that with multiple sessions, the hair follicles might suffer permanent damage.

A laser hair removal at home also follows the same procedure listed above.

But this time, a DIY laser hair removal device is used.

Laser hair removal works for all body parts: Chest, back, arms, pubic region, bikini area, and face, amongst others.

But it is however not safe for use in areas close to the eyes.

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Although we’ve established the fact that laser hair removal works.

But the importance of using the best DIY laser devices cannot be overemphasized.

Especially when you plan on carrying out this procedure from the comfort of your home.

To save you the stress of surfing the net.

I’ve compiled a very good list of these products:

1. Kenzzi’s IPL Permanent Hair Removal Handset

For safe and effective laser hair removal: Use Kenzzi’s Handset.

This handset is probably the best DIY hair removal product.

And this is probably one reason why it has a passing mark from the USA FDA.

Kenzzi’s Handset is designed to treat unwanted hair via an intense pulsed light.

And this is carried out in a safe, blood-free, painless, and somewhat permanent manner.

This handset:

• Is safe for use on most body parts.

• Is multifunctional. I.e. Can be used to treat hyperpigmentation, skin wrinkles, fine lines, freckles, and blemishes, amongst others.

• Is rechargeable.

• Comes with a high-capacity battery.

You can purchase this product from the Skinol Cosmetics online store.

2. Smooth Skin Ipl Device

For more information and easy purchase of this product, visit Amazon.

3. Finishing Touch Laser

This is another laser hair removal device that works wonders.

With this laser, hair removal occurs from the roots thanks to the Sensa-Light technology.

And hair removal via this product is safe, relatively painful, and blood and scar free.

Just like the Kenzzi’s IPL handset, this laser is also;

• Rechargeable.

• Comes with a high-capacity battery.

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• And is safe for you at almost all body parts: Excluding areas surrounding the eyes.

Visit the Skinol Cosmetics online store to purchase this product at a discount.

In conclusion, my job would be incomplete if I only provide answers to the question, “ Does Laser hair removal work?”

And fail to provide alternatives to this procedure that works as well.

A few of these effective procedures are listed below;

Electrolysis hair removal.

Pansley hair removal and inhibitor Kit.

Sugaring hair removal.

100meters Depilatory paper wax, amongst others.For more information read through this article

Before you leave, kindly;

• Visit the Skinol Cosmetics online store.

We have a range of effective skincare products I’m sure you are definitely going to love.


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Obi Christian

Christian Obi is a content writer with Skinol Cosmetics. In his free time, Christian enjoys writing, reading and cooking.


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