Best Ingredients For Acne Scars

Best Ingredients For Acne Scars

This piece assesses some of the best ingredients for Acne scars.

Each product for Acne scars, is made with a combination of different ingredients.

And with the number of skin care products for Acne scars, increasing on a daily. You might find it difficult, deciding on which brand to go for.

But having knowledge of the ingredients discussed, would enable you make informed decisions.

However, In a situation, whereby an acne scar product does not contain the ingredients discussed in this article. This does not mean the product, would not be effective.

And the fact that an Acne scar product contains the ingredients discussed in this article, does not guarantee expected results.


1. Hyaluronic Acid:

This is one of the best ingredients for Acne scars.

Hyaluronic acid is produced by the body and can be located in almost every cell.

Hyaluronic Acid is included in most skin care products, mainly because it helps trap in moisture in our skin. Thus, the skin does not appear dry.

The addition of this substance in products for Acne scars would help;

Ensure the skin is moist: When this occurs, Acne scars and other facial aging signs become less visible.

Help prevent Acne: When there is no Acne breakouts, Acne scars would not appear.

Hyaluronic acid can regulate the production of , “ Sebum,” by the, “Sebaceous glands.”

Sebum is an oily substance. This substance has the capacity to block skin pores, which would eventually lead to Acne breakouts.

Reduce the appearance of Acne scars: Different studies have shown that the injection of hyaluronic acid can help reduce the appearance of Acne scars.

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Quality Acne scar products containing this substance includes;

Collagen Snail serum: This serum is available for purchase at the skinol Cosmetics online store.

Minimalist Serum.

2. Niacinamide Acid and Vitamin C:

Niacinamide Acid is one of two acids that makes up, “ Vitamin B3.”

This Acid is included in a number of skin care products. This is because it is known to be an effective solution for a number of skin problems.

Vitamin C on the other hand, is a very important antioxidant. This vitamin carries out body repairs, as well as, protects the skin.

Using an Acne Scar product containing Niacinamide Acid and Vitamin C, would help;

Prevent Acne: Trying to clear Acne scars without preventing future acne breakout, is surely a waste of time.

Niacinamide Acid can help prevent acne by regulating the production of Sebum, strengthen the skin to fight bacteria, amongst others.

Vitamin C on the other hand can help prevent acne scars even after an acne break out.

Reduce the appearance of Acne scars: Vitamin C aids the production of collagen.

With collagen, the skin remains moisturized. Thus, the appearance of scars reduces.

This has however not been, scientifically proven.

Effective Acne scar products containing Niacinamide Acid and Vitamin C, includes;

Collagen Snail serum: This can be gotten from the Skinol Cosmetics online store.

NuFountain Vitamin C serum.

3. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs):

This is also one of the best ingredients for Acne scars.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids are gotten from either plants or animals.

They are seven in number. And a product for Acne scar might contain one, two or more types.

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Out of all seven types, “ Lactic and Glycolic acids,” have been well researched on.

The addition of AHAs in Acne scars products, can help:

Prevent Acne: This occurs when AHAs clears dead cells on the skin. These dead cells can clog our pores, which can result in Acne breakout.

Reduce the appearance of Acne scars: When AHAs clears out dead cells in the skin, which makes the skin appear dull.

New skin cells would give the skin a brighter look, which might reduce the appearance of Acne scars.

Acne scar products containing AHAs, includes;

Baha facial serum.

Divine facial serum.

4. Salicylic Acid:

Check out more information here.

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Obi Christian

Christian Obi is a content writer with Skinol Cosmetics. In his free time, Christian enjoys writing, reading and cooking.


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