Laser Hair Removal


Laser hair removal is a very popular hair removal procedure.

It’s a much better alternative to shaving, waxing, and a few other methods for removing unwanted hair.

This procedure can be carried out:

• In a clinic, under a trained dermatologist.

• By you, in the comfort of your home using any DIY laser device.

During a laser hair treatment:

• A device emits a concentrated light absorbed by the hair follicles.

The hair follicles are responsible for producing new hair.

• This light would in turn temporarily damage the hair follicles.

• The end product of this is the fall of unwanted hairs.

And hairs would regrow after a relatively long period of time.

I.e. After the hair follicles are healed.

But after repeated hair treatments:

• The hair follicles might be permanently damaged.

• Thus, hair regrowth would no longer occur.

Laser hair removal is suitable for use on the:

• Face( But, is not suitable for use in areas around the eye),

• Underarm and arm,

• Legs,

• Pubic region,

• Chest, amongst others.

This treatment procedure is relatively painful.

But this is dependent on:

• Your pain tolerance.

• Body part undergoing treatment.

Let’s now look at the cost and side effects of this procedure.


The cost of this procedure varies.

And is dependent on different factors, especially when you plan on visiting a clinic.

A few of these factors are listed below:

• Area where treatment would be carried out.

• Clinic and dermatologist who would be giving the treatment.

READ ALSO:  Electrolysis Hair Removal At Home

• Number of treatment sessions.

• Time used during each session.

• Country, amongst others.

But in this part of the world: Lagos, Nigeria.

A single session might probably cost, “ N20,000.”

And I believe this should be the minimum price.

Now, carrying out this procedure at home would cost you less.

As a laser hair device can be gotten for as low as, “ N15,000.”

And this can be used continuously until you no longer need treatment.

To learn more about the cost, check out this article.


I’m sure you already know that carrying out this procedure at home, is much better.

But one part of the battle is deciding to do this yourself.

The other part is using the right laser hair removal device.

The importance of those above cannot be overemphasized.

As this would decrease the probability that any side effects would be experienced after this procedure.

Let’s take a look at some of them:

1. Kenzzi’s IPL Permanent Hair Removal Handset

When it comes to a safe and quick laser hair treatment at home.

No device probably works better than this product.

And looking at the cost, effectiveness, and versatility of this device

It is safe to assume that it’s the best hair removal device on the market at the moment.

Kenzzi’s Handset:

• Removes unwanted hair using intense pulsed light.

• Has a nod from the USA’S FDA.

• Is multifunctional, rechargeable, and comes with a high-capacity battery.

You can get more products and purchase details from the Skinol Cosmetics online store.

READ ALSO:  Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

2. Finishing Touch Laser For Hair Removal

This is a very effective laser hair removal device.

And getting this device would probably be one of the best decisions you would make this year.

Hair treatment occurs via the Sensa-Light technology in a:

• Safe,

• Relatively painless manner.

For more product and purchase details, visit the Skinol Cosmetics online store.

3. Pioneer Permanent Hair Removal Device

Visit Amazon to learn more and order this product.

Finally, I’ve listed below some of the side effects of the laser hair removal procedure:

• Skin might turn red in color.

• Blisters and scarring.

• Injuries and infections.

• Eye Injuries.

The side effects above are less likely to occur if:

• You visit the right clinic.

• Use any laser hair removal device as instructed.

I’ve also put together a number of effective alternatives to this procedure:


Pansley hair removal and inhibitor Kit.

100meters Depilatory paper wax.

Sugaring hair removal, amongst others.

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Obi Christian

Christian Obi is a content writer with Skinol Cosmetics. In his free time, Christian enjoys writing, reading and cooking.
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