How To Get Fair And Glowing Skin At Home In 7 Days


I recently discovered how to get fair and glowing skin at home in 7 days.

And I thought it wise to share my discovery with you all.

Getting that fair and glowing skin you desire is very much possible.

And with the information contained in this article.

It can be accomplished within seven days.

The best part of it all is the fact that the steps and procedures to help achieve this, can be carried out from the comfort of your home.

Let’s get right into it.


Achieving the feat above involves participating in some healthy lifestyle habits.

As well as using one or more skincare products.

These skin products were recommended by a top skin care expert.

But, before we go into that.

Just in case you are not aware.

Sometime in the past, I published a 7 days glowing skin challenge manual.

This manual contains;

• Healthy lifestyle tips.

• Recommended skin care products.

• Smoothie recipes for glowing skin.

Which in a sense is all you would probably need to get fair and glowing skin in 7 days.

And just in case you are interested in taking part in this challenge.

Kindly click this link and it would take you right to it.

But, if you are not up for it.

You can simply follow the healthy lifestyle habits below.

And make use of the recommended skin care products.

This would also produce the same results.


1. Get enough rest.

2. Avoid too much sun exposure.

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If this would be hard to achieve, use sunscreen.

3. Eat right. Avoid too much salty and sugary foods.

Incorporate more leafy greens, fresh fruits, and legumes into your diet

4. Reduce or eliminate alcohol intake.

Do the same if you smoke.

5. Try not to get too stressed.

6. Stay hydrated all day long by consuming lots of water.

7. Go on a detox cleanse for at least, one week every month.

8. Remember to cleanse your face before going to bed.


The skin care products below were recommended by a top skin care expert.

Both products are fantastic and you can decide to use any.

1. Collagen Snail Serum and the Herbal Skin Glow Tea

For a full body glow, the combination of both products above would get the job done.

This combo would not only get you that fair and glowing skin you desire.

But, would also clear out visible aging signs.

And I’m sure you would agree with me that fair and glowing skin would be incomplete without an ageless facial appearance.

The collagen Snail serum contains;

• Aqua/water,

• Hyaluronic acid,

• Vitamin C,

• Salicylic acid,

• Niacinamide Acid, amongst others.

And the skin herbal tea contains;

• American Ginseng,

• Burdock root,

• Lemon and Orange fruit,

• Mulberry leaf extract, amongst others.

All these ingredients would help:

• Reduce body sebum production.

• Promote a good-night rest.

• Even the skin’s tone.

• Carry out body detoxification.

• Clear and glow up the skin, amongst others.

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You can purchase both products[ ( 1 ) and ( 2 )] from the Skinol Cosmetics online store.

2. Collagen Egg Soap and CeraVe Moisturizer

With this combo, getting that fair and glowing skin in 7 days would be much more easier.

While the collagen egg soap would help;

• Decrease the appearance of aging signs.

• Boost body collagen production.

• Brighten up the skin.

CeraVe Moisturizer on the other hand;

• Would keep the skin moisturized all day long.

The egg soap can be gotten from the Skinol Cosmetics online store.

And the Moisturizer from Amazon

In conclusion, patience and consistency are required to get desirable results.

And please ensure to use the products above as instructed.

For other educative skin care articles.

Kindly visit the Skinol Cosmetics blog.

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Obi Christian

Christian Obi is a content writer with Skinol Cosmetics. In his free time, Christian enjoys writing, reading and cooking.
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